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Your source for the latest Chaminade news. For students, by students. Since 1917.

Cardinal & White

Your source for the latest Chaminade news. For students, by students. Since 1917.

Cardinal & White

Rowdy Red Raffle Reaps Rewards


The Rowdy Red Raffle is a fundraiser held at the beginning of every school year to benefit Chaminade’s students and faculty. Student involvement is promoted each year to reach the Raffle’s goal. This year, we went past our goal of $179,000 and made $187,950 in total. 2023 marks the twelfth consecutive year the goal has been exceeded, and it is all thanks to the Chaminade community coming together for a common cause. All this money isn’t wasted, either; it goes to projects that all students benefit from. The money that students contribute goes to a different project every year.

Each year the money goes back to improve student life. All the active classrooms that have been implemented in Chaminade Hall the past couple of years have been funded by the Rowdy Red Raffle. The new lounge in Campus Ministry came from the Raffle as well. There were also upgrades made to the school Wi-Fi through the profits of the Raffle. These are all great incentives and make selling tickets worth it. The Rowdy Red Raffle goes to show the strength of the Chaminade community and the great things we can accomplish when everyone comes together to work towards one goal.








This year, the Commons are being upgraded with the funds of the Rowdy Red Raffle. Spectator seats providing great views into the basketball court and the pool will be added, as well as new lounge seating for school dances and mixers. Ultimately, the Rowdy Red Raffle proves itself as a positive way for students to improve their everyday school life. It ties the school community together, as everyone wants others to buy tickets to positively benefit the student body as a whole.

About the Contributor
Jacob Lovings
Jacob Lovings, Staff Member
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